District Executive, Chairs & Team
Elect, Maidy Keir, Optimist Club of London-Carling Heights
Governor-Elect, Bill Adams, Optimist Club of London-Oakridge
Immediate Past Governor, Rick Gillespie, Optimist Club of London-Oakridge
JOI District Governor, (to be advised)
District Secretary, Roberta Pipe, Optimist Club of Cambridge Southwest
District Treasurer, Tim Gray, Optimist Club of New Hamburg
Finance Committee
Governor Maidy Keir, Optimist Club of London-Carling Heights
Immediate Past Governor Rick Gillespie (Chair), Optimist Club of London-Oakridge
Governor Elect Bill Adams, Optimist Club of London-Oakridge
Secretary Roberta Pipe, Optimist Club of Kitchener Southwest
Treasurer Tim Gray, Optimist Club of New Hamburg
Past Governor Gail Dolson, Optimist Club of Norwich
Lieutenant Governors
Zone 1 - Greg Storey, Optimist Club of Mornington
Zone 2 - Bob Costello, Optimist Club of Seaforth
Zone 3 - Kelli Crowley, Optimist Club of Ellice
Zone 4 - Nancy VanSas, Optimist Club of Scotland & District
Zone 5 - Jim Wilson, Optimist Club of London Westminster Park
Zone 6 - Doris Haw, Optimist Club of Sydenham
Zone 7 - Maurie Sheppard, Optimist Club of Waterloo-Westvale
Zone 8 - Tariq Khan, Optimist Club of London North
Zone 9 - Jeff Drexler, Optimist Club of London East
Zone 10 - Rick Berry, Optimist Club of New Dundee
Zone 11 - Jill Pogson, Optimist Club of Centre Wellington Fergus
Candidates Qualifications Committee
Immediate Past Governor, Rick Gillespie, Optimist Club of London-Oakridge
Governor-Elect, Bill Adams, Optimist Club of London-Oakridge
Past Governor, Bob Keir Optimist Club of London-Carling Heights
Past Governor, Gail Dolson Optimist Club of Norwich
Communications Committee
Communication - Newsletter, Governor Elect, Bill Adams, Optimist Club of London-Oakridge
Communication - Social Media, Pierrette Grondon, Optimist Club of Centre Wellington Fergus
Communication - Webmaster Rob Perry, Optimist Club of St. Jacobs
Conference and Convention Committee
Convention Venue Planning (Chair) - Ann Tosheff, Optimist Club of Kitchener Southwest
Convention Venue Planning - Jan Harding, Optimist Club of London-Carling Heights
Convention Registrar - Colleen Durston, Optimist Club of London-Carling Heights
Convention Fun (Chair) - Meredith Herdman, Optimist Club of London-East
Convention Fun - Heather Currah, Optimist Club of London-Southwest
Convention Fun - LaVonne Haynes, Optimist Club of London-East
Host & Hostess - Mark & Carol St. Amour Kerr, Optimist Club of Kitchener Stanley Park
Photographer - Terry Tosheff, Optimist Club of Kitchener Southwest
Sergeant of Arms - Matt Crowley, Optimist Club of Ellice
District Growth & Membership Committee
CARE Program - Doris Haw, Optimist Club of Sydenham & District
Club Fitness - Doris Haw, Optimist Club of Sydenham & District
Club Fitness - Gail Dolson, Optimist Club of Norwich
Growth and Marketing - Rob Perry, Optimist Club of St. Jacobs
Growth and Marketing - Rick Gillespie, Optimist Club of London-Oakridge
Membership Chair - Angie Wilson, Optimist Club of London Westminster Park
New Club Co Chair - Jim Pipe, Optimist Club of Petersburg
New Club Co Chair - Bob Keir, Optimist Club of Carling Heights
New Club Co Chair - Rick Zimak, Optimist Club of Downie
Other District Committees
Awards & Achievement - Marg Rapp, Optimist Club of Normanby
CCOF DFR - Catherine Herdman, Optimist Club of East London
Children's Hospice - Jackie Kinder, Optimist Club of London-Carling Heights
HOBY - Pat Shack, Optimist Club of London-North
Junior Optimist International (JOI) - Maurie Sheppard, Optimist Club of Waterloo-Westvale
Leadership & Development Co-Chair, Governor Maidy Keir, Optimist Club of London-Carling Heights
Leadership & Development Co-Chair, Dianne Josling, Optimist Club of Mitchell
OI Convention Ambassador - Past Governor, Rick Gillespie, Optimist Club of London-Oakridge
Policy and Bylaw - Tariq Khan, Optimist Club of London North
Policy and Bylaw - Dianne Josling, Optimist Club of Mitchell
Policy and Bylaw - Governor-Elect, Bill Adams, Optimist Club of Oakridge
Policy and Bylaw - Governor Maidy Keir, Optimist Club of London-Carling Heights
Policy and Bylaw - Past Governor, Rick Gillespie, Optimist Club of London-Oakridge
Scholarship & Programs Committee
Oratorical - Sharon Flanagan, Optimist Club of London-East
Essay - Kathy Gray, Optimist Club of Wilmot
Spelling Bee - Jeyas Balaskanthsan, Optimist Club of Waterloo Lakeshore Village
Junior Golf - Rachel Skillen, Optimist Club of South Huron